
I never meant to break

Actually, I do mean exactly that. You know, about the break thing. So tired. And I do hate waiting. Besides, waiting the fuck for...?

Just watch my wildest dreams come true, not one of them involving you!
Not one of them.

3 comentarios:

Charlie D. dijo...

Poor guy.. I mean, the guy that text is for, hehehe. I DON'T READ YOUR MIND (If I could I didn't be here, believe me, I'd be in the States or some fucking weird place where people would pay me a million for appear in TV for making some kind of stupid show reading minds and all that stuff, and I'd save a lot of money to disappear and travell all over the world while I'm writing what I really want.) But... ohhhh I can't. So don't blame me for be just an ordinary person, hehe.

But let me say that when I read your short but intense text, I think just in two things: rage, atracction... or just the opposite.

So take it easy, you can write a song with that text, I specially like the last paragraph, it could be the chorus...

See you ;)

Annell dijo...

Woah, I never meant to brag ♫

Your time is too precious to waste it waiting for anyone. Or, at least, to waste it waiting more than the necessary.

Luv ya! :3

Mew dijo...

In fact, there was not a boy (nor a girl) who I broke up with. Draw your own conclusions, dudes :)

So... Shikaru, don't try to fool me. I perfectly know you are an absolutely not ordinary person. And yeah, the first line of the second paragraph is a song. Misery Bussines-Paramore.

I just felt the way to... shout, maybe.